ReTrust.Me PKI.and.more.

More than just PKI...

ReTrust.Me acts as a hub to certify identities and documents within your organization, using various standards, widely interoperable.

ReTrust.Me main interface screenshot

Very easy to use, its GUI will let you manage identity lifecycle easily.
ReTrust.Me also sends reminder e-mails when needed (e.g. certificate about to expire).
Its Enrollment Client will allow you to easily enroll Smart Card or Tokens, using an easy to use Windows GUI.
It will manage and let you issue X.509 certificates, MRTD signed objects,
RFC 3161 signed timestamps, PKCS#12 secure credential containers, ...

...Standards compliant...

ReTrust.Me is compliant with the following standards:
Got a headache? Don't worry, all this is done transparently for you!

...And easy to setup and configure!

ReTrust.Me offers you a comprehensive point-and-click configuration interface and a set of tools to ease its deployment.
Easy to use and usable with default settings. So if have any doubt, just don't touch the configuration!

ReTrust.Me configuration interface screenshot

So... convinced?
Still not?
Now the best part: It's FREE (and Open Source, and GPL licensed).
So, what are you waiting for? Download It! and install it thanks to our Documentation.

ReTrust.Me Architecture

Below is the architecture of ReTrust.Me, and how it is integrated within the Information System.
ReTrust.Me Architecture
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