ReTrust.Me PKI.and.more.

How to implement Smart Card Logon with ReTrust.Me

Step 1: Prepare the environment

  1. Install ReTrust.Me. Don't type in an admin password, in order to select certificate authentication. Select RSA cryptosystem (with or without HSM).
  2. Perform the Key Ceremony within ReTrust.Me, that is: generate the CA
  3. Download the generated CA certificate (from the CA Management section)
  4. Generate at least one operator using the appropriate menu, and save the .p12 file

Step 2: Enroll Active Directory in the PKI

  1. Using the CA certificate (ca.crt) downloaded in 1.3, run as administrator with "Enterprise Admins" rights:
    certutil -dsPublish -f c:\path\to\ca.crt RootCA
    certutil -dsPublish -f c:\path\to\ca.crt NTAuthCA
    gpupdate /force
  2. Download DCEnrollment.exe (sha1sum: 63a39d3ad9dac72015cb2c95317e41ec293904de)
  3. On each Domain Controller, execute DCEnrollment.exe as admin and follow the instructions in order to sign the CSR from ReTrust.Me PKI, and import it in the DC

Step 3: Prepare the Active Directory domain

  1. Declare a new "Registry" GPO, by launching gpedit.msc and going to "Computer Management" > "Preferences" > "Windows Settings" > "Registry", and add a new Registry entry:
    • Action: Update
    • Key Path: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Provider\Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider
    • Value Name: AllowPrivateExchangeKeyImport
    • Value type: REG_DWORD
    • Value data: 00000001
  2. Declare a new "Smart Card" GPO, by launching gpedit.msc and going to "Computer Configuration" > "Policies" > "Administrative Templates" > "Windows Components" > "Smart Card":
    • Double click on "Allow Integrated Unblock Screen to be displayed at the time of logon
    • Select "Enabled" and save your changes

Step 4: Enroll the users

  1. On a workstation, import the operator certificate generated in 1.4
  2. Download the EnrollmentClientInstaller.exe from the PKI's "CA Management" section, and install it with following parameters:
    • URL will be https:// followed by the DNS FQDN name of your PKI and by "/crmp"
    • Profile: scl_cert
    • Select the operator certificate imported in 4.1 from the displayed list
  3. Launch the Enrollment Client from the Windows menu
  4. Then, for each user, insert a blank card/token (or recycle one using the "Format" button), fill in CN with his name, and Mail/UPN with the user's MSUPN (generally windowslogin@domain), have the user fill in a PIN, and press "Enroll"
Enrollment Client Window

Unblocking a smart card

When a SmartCard is blocked, Windows offers a standard dialog to unblock it. To use it:
  1. Press control-alt-delete on an active session. Click on “Change a password”.
  2. Click on “Other Credentials”, and select the SmartCard reader.
  3. Check the box "unblock smart card"
  4. Retrieve the challenge (0B4B 0A69 47E4 1A8E in the example below), and hand it over to a PKI operator
  5. The PKI operator types in the challenge in the "Challenge" field of the "Unblock Smart Card" entry in the "CA Management" section, and gives back the Response
  6. Fill in the response and the new PIN, and validate: the SmartCard is unblocked!
Unblock Screen

References and useful tools

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